Sunday, May 30, 2010

Pension shock! Next year, 2.3 percent less?

Berlin - A shock for the 20 million pensioners in Germany: In the next year, 2010, the pension could probably be reduced for the first time since 1957 - possibly by 2.3%.
Pensioners have nothing to give away, can do without a cent - that is certainly true for most.
Why the reduction? The fact that it still may be a reduction in the pension, is the fact that pensions are indexed to wages. The so-called dynamic pension was actually introduced in 1957, so that the pensioners will benefit from the wage increases können.Das they do this year: From 1 July will increase the pension by 2.41 percent. But now fall back wages.
The crisis reached its pensioners reason for the gloomy forecast is the historical collapse of the economy. To German: The What began as a financial crisis in the U.S. and has expanded to become tangible world economic crisis will probably reach our pensioners.
Does a law? The policy could still install a brake, which intercepts a pension deficit. This called for several politicians. "I have instructed my Department to develop a statutory formula which makes clear: The pensions are not reduced," said Labour Minister about Scholz (SPD). But whether the law is? For, said government spokesman Ulrich Wilhelm: There should be no "pension formula at will".
What is the minus? The minus in the pension, if it happens, could be, according to Handelsblatt just over two percent. According to some economists forecast could be the average gross wage in 2009, after whom the pension in 2010, falling by 2.3 percent. This is mainly due to the short-time working, which leads to lower income levels. For example, if a pension of 800 € the € 18.40 a month would be less!
The Pension Company also says: "The value, to judge by the amount of benefits is actually set in March 2010," said spokesman Dirk von der Heide for EXPRESS. As could still change a lot.
Such a severe cut has been there since the introduction of dynamic (to wages adjusted) pension yet 1957th