Tuesday, May 18, 2010

DEG balances against Krefeld

Krefeld / Düsseldorf - 96 seconds were played in the renewal of a mistaken quarter-thrillers as DEG-captain Daniel Kreutzer, through its rebound for the "sudden death" of the penguins and naked atrociously in the Royal Palace.
4-3, the MetroStars were triumphant after a wild roller coaster ride in the second tram playoff duel, and thus from the same series.
The commitment and struggle, I was satisfied. But we were not clever enough on the defensive, the majority always our problem, "said coach Igor Pavlov KEV taken DEG coach Harold Kreis admitted:" We have never given up, but we also had some fortune. "
37 to 21, the balance was shot at the end for the Krefeld, but the guests were allowed to celebrate. "We have raised us, have taken advantage of our opportunities. But it was hard to capture in Krefeld, "said Kreutzer with a thick lip after the hit.
And Düsseldorf, Bester, striker Patrick Reimer said, (in Cameroon Lucky T-shirt): "This still was not the best DEG, grow we must." The KEV has long been the stronger force, led by goals from Jim Fahey and Daniel Pietta 2-0, before the disc Reimer carpentered in exactly the right angle.
 Suddenly, the DEG by beforehand carefree Pinguinbe woke up and equalized by Shane Joseph. But when Evan Kaufmann also met the leadership - after the referee Duo Swimming / Reichert a foul by keeper Jamie Storr to DEG Herberts Vasiljevs (high floor) with impunity, had all looked for a score victory.
But then Charlie Stephens brought his 3-3 (31 seconds from the end) the Royal Palace to the boiling - to Kreutzer had its grand entrance.