Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New trolleys put out a pledge not

Cologne - Since early April, there is a new airport luggage trolleys. But they put the lien not get out. Passengers feel ripped off.
John Sieberz (name changed) has had enough. He works at the airport Cologne-Bonn. "Since we have the new trolleys, there's only trouble. People insult me every day. "
The problem put: For a car, the passenger must two euros in the plant. As a pledge has been around back only a dollar.
"Just does not work that well," says a journalist. In order to recover his money, is indicated on the display a service number.
The staff there let the passengers often wait more than 30 minutes. If someone came, the visitors were "downright terrorized, and persons must show ticket.
Said airport spokesman Walter Romans: "As with any introduction of new system's problems occur. We know from the 'teething problems and seek to resolve them as quickly as possible.
Who wants to back the euro mortgages can contact the airport company, gets him on the details or to employees who push the cars back. As a receipt must note the name and flight number of the guest. "