Sunday, May 30, 2010

Pension shock! Next year, 2.3 percent less?

Berlin - A shock for the 20 million pensioners in Germany: In the next year, 2010, the pension could probably be reduced for the first time since 1957 - possibly by 2.3%.
Pensioners have nothing to give away, can do without a cent - that is certainly true for most.
Why the reduction? The fact that it still may be a reduction in the pension, is the fact that pensions are indexed to wages. The so-called dynamic pension was actually introduced in 1957, so that the pensioners will benefit from the wage increases können.Das they do this year: From 1 July will increase the pension by 2.41 percent. But now fall back wages.
The crisis reached its pensioners reason for the gloomy forecast is the historical collapse of the economy. To German: The What began as a financial crisis in the U.S. and has expanded to become tangible world economic crisis will probably reach our pensioners.
Does a law? The policy could still install a brake, which intercepts a pension deficit. This called for several politicians. "I have instructed my Department to develop a statutory formula which makes clear: The pensions are not reduced," said Labour Minister about Scholz (SPD). But whether the law is? For, said government spokesman Ulrich Wilhelm: There should be no "pension formula at will".
What is the minus? The minus in the pension, if it happens, could be, according to Handelsblatt just over two percent. According to some economists forecast could be the average gross wage in 2009, after whom the pension in 2010, falling by 2.3 percent. This is mainly due to the short-time working, which leads to lower income levels. For example, if a pension of 800 € the € 18.40 a month would be less!
The Pension Company also says: "The value, to judge by the amount of benefits is actually set in March 2010," said spokesman Dirk von der Heide for EXPRESS. As could still change a lot.
Such a severe cut has been there since the introduction of dynamic (to wages adjusted) pension yet 1957th

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Prince - a master at putting

Düsseldorf -
He is the first prince who conquered in the vestments of the golf course!
Dirk Kemmer was now between his crazy schedule just his favorite hobby at the Golf Grafenberg, his home club after. "I wanted to test only once, if the momentum is still working," said the 45-year-old.
And of course it worked - although he has not played since November golf more. But who has such a sensational handicap of 8.6 as our Prince Carnival, which will not forget how to play golf so fast!
"I play golf since 2003. I wanted to try it from time to time, took an hour and already coach of the virus had jumped. "In normal times - when he is no prince - he is regularly on the pitch. "I train twice a week and play twice a week. For me, golf is recreation and sport. Since I am distracted for four hours, had no telephone and it can keep my mind free. "
What is his golf success? "Do not see what the other makes next to you on the pitch. Each plays his game. And everyone should be trusted only what he can really. "Then he also creates a deduction 230-240 meters! His wife, Sabine plays the way for five years, golf. And even Venetia Janine has now made their handicap.
"We want the next carnival golf tournament go to the start. Maybe there are other royal couple who participate here. Ex-Venetia Angela Erwin also plays golf. I hereby undertake to teach her former Prince Stefan Kleinehr to play golf. Until the tournament he has his Green Card! "

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

DEG balances against Krefeld

Krefeld / Düsseldorf - 96 seconds were played in the renewal of a mistaken quarter-thrillers as DEG-captain Daniel Kreutzer, through its rebound for the "sudden death" of the penguins and naked atrociously in the Royal Palace.
4-3, the MetroStars were triumphant after a wild roller coaster ride in the second tram playoff duel, and thus from the same series.
The commitment and struggle, I was satisfied. But we were not clever enough on the defensive, the majority always our problem, "said coach Igor Pavlov KEV taken DEG coach Harold Kreis admitted:" We have never given up, but we also had some fortune. "
37 to 21, the balance was shot at the end for the Krefeld, but the guests were allowed to celebrate. "We have raised us, have taken advantage of our opportunities. But it was hard to capture in Krefeld, "said Kreutzer with a thick lip after the hit.
And Düsseldorf, Bester, striker Patrick Reimer said, (in Cameroon Lucky T-shirt): "This still was not the best DEG, grow we must." The KEV has long been the stronger force, led by goals from Jim Fahey and Daniel Pietta 2-0, before the disc Reimer carpentered in exactly the right angle.
 Suddenly, the DEG by beforehand carefree Pinguinbe woke up and equalized by Shane Joseph. But when Evan Kaufmann also met the leadership - after the referee Duo Swimming / Reichert a foul by keeper Jamie Storr to DEG Herberts Vasiljevs (high floor) with impunity, had all looked for a score victory.
But then Charlie Stephens brought his 3-3 (31 seconds from the end) the Royal Palace to the boiling - to Kreutzer had its grand entrance.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New trolleys put out a pledge not

Cologne - Since early April, there is a new airport luggage trolleys. But they put the lien not get out. Passengers feel ripped off.
John Sieberz (name changed) has had enough. He works at the airport Cologne-Bonn. "Since we have the new trolleys, there's only trouble. People insult me every day. "
The problem put: For a car, the passenger must two euros in the plant. As a pledge has been around back only a dollar.
"Just does not work that well," says a journalist. In order to recover his money, is indicated on the display a service number.
The staff there let the passengers often wait more than 30 minutes. If someone came, the visitors were "downright terrorized, and persons must show ticket.
Said airport spokesman Walter Romans: "As with any introduction of new system's problems occur. We know from the 'teething problems and seek to resolve them as quickly as possible.
Who wants to back the euro mortgages can contact the airport company, gets him on the details or to employees who push the cars back. As a receipt must note the name and flight number of the guest. "

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Chihi: "We must not slip back '

Cologne / Halle --
Adil Chihi skillfully turns a pirouette after another. Smiles in the December sun. And writes to the hard-working band signed autographs for young and old.
In the EXPRESS-date on the ice rink in the old town everyone could see: the 3-0 win against Nuremberg gave the Moroccans wings!
"After such a long losing streak, the victory incredibly important," says Adil, who prepared two goals, "now we have to take the swing into the new year. We must not slip again! We definitely need more than 18 points in the next year. When one sees the quality in the squad, this must be done. "
His goals for the new year to defend: "The regular place - and develop myself."
The same goes for two more FC youngster. Besides Chihi also Taner Yalcin against Nuremberg got his chance in the starting lineup - and played well. The two friends shared the hotel room before games. But for how long
EXPRESS heard: Italo-club Udinese has spread its tentacles into the German youth international. "Yes, they have interest in me," says Taner, "but I have a contract until 2011 with FC and I will prevail here."
As the 3rd in the Covenant of the Wild Boys - Christopher Schorch. Defensive Gem switched over from Christmas at home in Halle / Saale and EXPRESS tells the best story for the festival: "Today I am visiting imWaisenhaus with my father and brother-in-twenty children. We bring over gift boxes. Since lots of candy and stuffed animals in there. I'm doing this because not everyone was as lucky as me. "