Friday, April 30, 2010

Jeans advertising on the Apostles Church

Cologne --
Surprised passers-by could not believe their eyes: Crime Scene middle of the road, right in the Christmas shopping crowds - a great jeans advertisements on the walls of St. Apostles!
For heaven's sake: Is advertising allowed for the churches? No - the action in "Hillje Kölle" was the work of a so-called "guerrilla advertising, which goes without prior notice and registration - and called on Saturday for clues of worshipers the sexton of St. Apostles on the scene.
The progressive rigorously in his indignation, and drew the projector, threw three hours long, the advertising image on the western wall of the church, ado out the plug.
Responsible for action: a ten-strong team around the Dutchwoman Femke P. (38): "We wanted to hurt anyone. While we do anything without permission, but we do not make crap. We chose this place because the place is beautiful and is located in a shopping area. But I fear that the church was not a good idea. "
Right! Kuster Kieserg Bruno: "When I saw it I was horrified, so what's not, that would never have been approved. So I fix responds: Hi called plug pulled - then it was all over. "
Advertising on churches: It is decided by the pastor - he has house rules. St.Aposteln-Pastor Christoph Biskupek allowed, for example, in his Kiche information about church concerts. "Major actions have to be agreed with the archdiocese," said Kieserg.
At the Galeria Kaufhof one was appalled by the unauthorized advertising campaign: "We have a cooperation with the jeans brand. But I had clearly prohibited so-called guerrilla advertising, "says CEO Herbert Kaufhof Hamacher. "We distance ourselves very clearly from this action."