Sunday, April 18, 2010

The bull is not to pack

Cologne - Sun has not really thought dran Wolfgang Weber. "I fear that the generation that made me vote, you die so slowly," who had been told 63-year-old defender, when calling EXPRESS and FC for defender-long program.
But denied the "bull", the 470 competitive matches for FC, took down all of them.
The name has his way, once missed Wolfgang Overath. Weber himself suggested: "Probably because I have harassed me with him in pre-FC-times in a game of circle selections Cologne and the Rhine / Sieg 1962 so that was torn at the end of our jerseys."
Overath explains the "baptism" drastic, albeit with a laugh: "The bull had entered like a bull." Whereby the "bull" rightly emphasizes that "I never saw the red card." He also admire Per Mertesacker, "because of the opponent assigns his heels."
For Overath won with Weber but also the right thing: "The Wolfgang has been outstanding, at the 1966 World Cup, there has been no better representation Opper - so athletic, with so much force with so much bite."
His footballing activities are limited to the 53-mer national organizing again today: "I always look after the team nor the FC Altinternationalen. This is great fun - and because the still really good football play. "
As "German ambassador for the Special Olympics is committed to Weber, moreover, for children with Down syndrome," and I bring the Porzer City Archives on its feet. " Weber is also athletic - especially from FIG awareness: "I can eat well, I Strampel me down on the touring bike."
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