Monday, April 12, 2010

The G-spot is a myth

Sad, but true: the magical G-spot, which should make for spectacular female orgasms do not exist. The British researchers now say.
The much-touted erogenous zone could not anatomically is proved. The majority of women, he would merely subjectively perceived.
But what is exactly the G-spot? He was discovered in 1950 by physician Ernst Grafenberg. He described him then as an erogenous zone, which runs in the anterior vaginal wall along the urethra and swells during sexual arousal.
Since that fateful point that caused confusion. Some say they have it. Others contend it off as a myth. Now in conclusion to be with the guesswork. According to the online edition of the Times is now proved that the G-spot does not exist. That should have discovered, scientists from King's College London in a large-scale study.
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Gibt's the G-spot, anyway? If so, where is he?
In the study, 1804 English women aged 23 to 83 years were asked whether they have a G-spot or not. In order to ensure that responses were based on physical characteristics rather than on simple emotions, one-and dizygotic twins interviewed. If there were the G-spot really, the twins have identical genes on the yes, the same answer would have had to give. This thesis could not be confirmed.