Friday, April 30, 2010

Jeans advertising on the Apostles Church

Cologne --
Surprised passers-by could not believe their eyes: Crime Scene middle of the road, right in the Christmas shopping crowds - a great jeans advertisements on the walls of St. Apostles!
For heaven's sake: Is advertising allowed for the churches? No - the action in "Hillje Kölle" was the work of a so-called "guerrilla advertising, which goes without prior notice and registration - and called on Saturday for clues of worshipers the sexton of St. Apostles on the scene.
The progressive rigorously in his indignation, and drew the projector, threw three hours long, the advertising image on the western wall of the church, ado out the plug.
Responsible for action: a ten-strong team around the Dutchwoman Femke P. (38): "We wanted to hurt anyone. While we do anything without permission, but we do not make crap. We chose this place because the place is beautiful and is located in a shopping area. But I fear that the church was not a good idea. "
Right! Kuster Kieserg Bruno: "When I saw it I was horrified, so what's not, that would never have been approved. So I fix responds: Hi called plug pulled - then it was all over. "
Advertising on churches: It is decided by the pastor - he has house rules. St.Aposteln-Pastor Christoph Biskupek allowed, for example, in his Kiche information about church concerts. "Major actions have to be agreed with the archdiocese," said Kieserg.
At the Galeria Kaufhof one was appalled by the unauthorized advertising campaign: "We have a cooperation with the jeans brand. But I had clearly prohibited so-called guerrilla advertising, "says CEO Herbert Kaufhof Hamacher. "We distance ourselves very clearly from this action."

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Strippers continue on the flight

Aachen / Cologne --
Of these, there are still no trace! The two escaped from the prison of Aachen major criminals are more on the run.
The search for Michael Heckhoff (50) and Paul Peter Michalski (46) continues to be unsuccessful. There were always hints from the population, "where we go," said a police spokesman in Cologne. Gefahndet it would continue "full speed". The federal police will be involved.
Following suggestions from the general population was close to the Essenes Baldeneysee searched for the fugitives. The use of helicopters with thermal imaging cameras, but was unsuccessful.
One focus of the search are still the southern suburbs of food, especially Will and Kettwig.
The men had overpowered a guard on Thursday night and had escaped from prison. On Friday, the two a 19-year-old from Cologne forced to drive her to her car after dinner. At the Kettwiger Ruhrbrücke the woman but ran out of fuel and the car stopped. The two men fled on foot. The woman was unharmed and gave a description of the perpetrator.
Heckhoff is said to have been shaved off the mustache.
The police warned the public against approaching the fugitives to.
The murder, attempted murder and robbery to life in prison convicted men had been seen in the past, brutal and ruthless. Following them will gefahndet nationwide and in neighboring countries. The police took over the responsibility of Cologne.
On Friday, an official of the prison has been arrested. The employee is under the "liberation of prisoners suspected, had Justice Minister Roswitha Müller-Piepenkötter (CDU) said.
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Sunday, April 18, 2010

The bull is not to pack

Cologne - Sun has not really thought dran Wolfgang Weber. "I fear that the generation that made me vote, you die so slowly," who had been told 63-year-old defender, when calling EXPRESS and FC for defender-long program.
But denied the "bull", the 470 competitive matches for FC, took down all of them.
The name has his way, once missed Wolfgang Overath. Weber himself suggested: "Probably because I have harassed me with him in pre-FC-times in a game of circle selections Cologne and the Rhine / Sieg 1962 so that was torn at the end of our jerseys."
Overath explains the "baptism" drastic, albeit with a laugh: "The bull had entered like a bull." Whereby the "bull" rightly emphasizes that "I never saw the red card." He also admire Per Mertesacker, "because of the opponent assigns his heels."
For Overath won with Weber but also the right thing: "The Wolfgang has been outstanding, at the 1966 World Cup, there has been no better representation Opper - so athletic, with so much force with so much bite."
His footballing activities are limited to the 53-mer national organizing again today: "I always look after the team nor the FC Altinternationalen. This is great fun - and because the still really good football play. "
As "German ambassador for the Special Olympics is committed to Weber, moreover, for children with Down syndrome," and I bring the Porzer City Archives on its feet. " Weber is also athletic - especially from FIG awareness: "I can eat well, I Strampel me down on the touring bike."
Everything to know about the great FC-election's always up to date with
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Monday, April 12, 2010

The G-spot is a myth

Sad, but true: the magical G-spot, which should make for spectacular female orgasms do not exist. The British researchers now say.
The much-touted erogenous zone could not anatomically is proved. The majority of women, he would merely subjectively perceived.
But what is exactly the G-spot? He was discovered in 1950 by physician Ernst Grafenberg. He described him then as an erogenous zone, which runs in the anterior vaginal wall along the urethra and swells during sexual arousal.
Since that fateful point that caused confusion. Some say they have it. Others contend it off as a myth. Now in conclusion to be with the guesswork. According to the online edition of the Times is now proved that the G-spot does not exist. That should have discovered, scientists from King's College London in a large-scale study.
Learn More
Gibt's the G-spot, anyway? If so, where is he?
In the study, 1804 English women aged 23 to 83 years were asked whether they have a G-spot or not. In order to ensure that responses were based on physical characteristics rather than on simple emotions, one-and dizygotic twins interviewed. If there were the G-spot really, the twins have identical genes on the yes, the same answer would have had to give. This thesis could not be confirmed.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Wolfsburg kept home Nimbus

Wolfsburg - VfL Wolfsburg in the home stadium remains a force. This does not change the goalkeeper no "retrained" midfielder.
The series broke from Hanover to foreign places to go to the next round. At 1:2 (0:1) in Lower Saxony at the Derby in Bundesliga VfL Wolfsburg at home, unbeaten held January Rosenthalam Sunday a penalty for a foul by FC striker Edin Dzeko (82.).
Rosenthal had to go into the goal, because his keeper FlorianFromlowitz gesehenhatte the red card for a foul on Dzeko in the penalty area and change the quota had already been exhausted.
"I habeversucht to keep the team in the game," said the traurigeHeld about his Glanztat. "We can also buy anything."
The red card for Fromlowitz do not want to Hanover lurch up. Sporting director Christian Hochstatter announced an Protestantism: "We want to be confronted."
96-coach Dieter Hecking warüberzeugt: "This was not a penalty." But in derPause Hecking had some trouble. From start disciplinary he seinenKapitän Tomas Radzinski in the cabin. "Times they are arguing, malnicht. So that's halt," said Hecking is rather vague about denVorfall.
Champion Cristiano Zaccardo (32.) brought nachexzellenter combination with its Bundesliga goal of the night VfLin leadership. Jiri Stajner (59.) used a brief period of weakness derGastgeber to compensate. Only four minutes later ZvjezdanMisimovic placed free-kick against the circumstances here, the fighting, aberspielerisch limited Hanoverian again and gave seinenTrainer Felix Magath's 50th Bundesliga match at VfL coach's bench. "This is a perfect result," said goalscorer Zaccardo.
Hanover, waiting seitfast eight months abroad on a sense of achievement, dümpeltindes as table 13th tables in the lower-middle round. It also altered the deed by Rosenthal nothing. "Michärgert it that we in the first half, not so habenwie played in the second," lamented coach Hecking, who must be in the last first round game except on an injured goalkeeper Robert Enkevoraussichtlich decide not to exercise its substitution Fromlowitz: "We are making this year with everything. "
Click here for a game against Wolfsburg, Hannover>