Wednesday, March 31, 2010
"Arctic Sea" occupation free!
Moscow - The kidnapping of the timber cargo ship "Arctic Sea": After three weeks, the Russian crew is free.
She was healthy and had been brought to a russischesKriegsschiff, said Defense Minister AnatoliSerdjukow on Tuesday in Moscow.
The ship had been at 1 clock Moscow time (Sunday, Verdegefunden 23 UhrMESZ), about 300 miles (550 kilometers) from the island nation of Cape. The 15 Russian sailors were currently vonErmittlern heard.
The Russian ship "ładny" derSchwarzmeerflotte had taken the men on board, it said. Around 20Länder had sought in recent days after the ship.
The "Arctic Sea", the timber with a value of over one million euros vonFinnland take them to Algeria, had been almost three Wochenverschwunden. The last radio contact was the British Küstenwacheam 28th July, when the freighter crossed the Channel.
Since Tagenwurde speculated whether the ship has fallen into the hands of pirates declined, or with a secret cargo - possibly weapons - acilities Africa on the road.