Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sailor Laura must stay with father

Amsterdam -
Holland's 14-year-old solo sailor is allowed to stay despite her runaway attempt with her father.
The competent family court in Utrecht on Wednesday night drew back a request by the youth welfare office, they temporarily accommodated in a home or to another family. The judge also revealed an understanding of Laura's desire to sail around necessarily, the youngest person to own the world.
Laura was last week cut off from home and arrested shortly thereafter on the Dutch Caribbean island of Sint Maarten was. She admitted that she had planned to buy a sailboat, "to implement their plans." They have taken a yacht in the eye, except that it is still been repair. Tuesday she went back to Holland.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Changing tires at full speed

"I bet know that.?" On Saturday evening from Düsseldorf (20.15 clock).
A man tries in his hometown of something incredible. It is the most dangerous bet since the beginning of the show ...
So it goes: Lothar Schauer (45), an auto mechanic from the district Bilk goes on the rear tires of his BMW motorcycle, while his girlfriend sits Jeannette (23) on the steering fork and change the front wheel while driving. Hard to imagine.
And admits the Wettkandidat himself: "If something goes wrong, there is danger. This can be thought of in a 200-pound motorcycle and speed 40 yes certainly good. "
Lothar Schauer mistaken for an attempt runway of the Düsseldorf airport is blocked. A maximum of 1.2 km will remain for the unusual tire change in the mega show by Thomas Gottschalk (58).
Schauer, who lay down in 1987 already a world record jump (64.6 meters), "When it was clear that I am invited to the program, I could not do the stunt. Only since the fifth February, it works out. Previously, Jeannette and I had two severe falls .... "
Four weeks ago, practiced motorcycle freak showers, always on, such as the Mini-Weeze airport, 15 kilometers away from his present residence Goch. Even at the rehearsals went on a truck helper alongside that would enrich the tires "Schrauberin" Jeannette.
Who wants to watch the spectacular wager on site can do this for free to the visitors' terrace of the airport. There's also one in Terminal B has a screen for public viewing.
Read also occur: that's why the stars to bet really "know that.?">

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Labbadias disastrous league season-record

Leverkusen - "character test failed!" Poisoned Rudi Voeller. "Bloodless" grumbled Labbadia.
After the mega embarrassing performance at the Karlsruhe 0-1 against bottom ringing the alarm bells at Bayer.
The Bundesliga season is in the bucket - and in the current constitution, Bayer could save the trip to Berlin for the DFB Cup final against Werder Bremen more equal. But until then, there are still five weeks.
To get at this time, the curve again, the bosses announce now the hard shaft. In fact, were planned for today and tomorrow, two days off - deleted! As was coach, sports director and CEO, who took on Sunday morning the team in a crisis meeting in the duty, quickly agreed. "We would also like to indulge ourselves leisure times a day, but after this game will not do," said Labbadia.
Nations, which the EXPRESS on Sunday afternoon at his home in Rome, is explicit: "On Tuesday I'll be back. Then I will talk individually with the players. Something like against Karlsruhe should not happen again in this form. "
Rudi bash buttons up the player so personally - not the only indication that Labbadia reached the team's only ten months after taking office only with difficulty.
On 14 Matchday traveled to Bielefeld Bayer as the leader - since there conceded defeat (1-2) got the most talented, compared to last year with top people like helmet, Renato and Kadlec reinforced troops in 16 games ridiculous 14 points. A non-explanatory break. If the for "buddy" Skibbe as a "grinder" fetched Labbadia trained the troops have broken or the players simply tired of his monotonous speeches?
EXPRESS asked captain Simon Rolfes after Sunday Training: In the league you are in this season compared to last, where she missed on the last matchday of the UEFA Cup, furious failed. 12 points behind in fifth place - what is the role as the coach? Rolfes' response: "That's all together. Since all have a certain responsibility. "This is anything but a commitment to the coach. Patrick Helmes has also now extremely sluggish.
After all, managing director Wolfgang wooden houses is fully behind public Labbadia: "We will be there in the next season with Bruno Labbadia." Whether he looks forward to the Cup final? In a victory would Labbadia reached even the officially stated aim UEFA Cup and could escape the funeral pile again.
More about Bayer: Super-clippers as listlessly striker Helmes> Au Bayer! Crazy goal from 50 meters>